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d3q27 tePSM per




Model description files files for this model: Dynamics.c Dynamics.R

Zonal Settings

Name Comment
WallVelocityX WallVelocity x-direction
WallVelocityY WallVelocity y-direction
WallVelocityZ WallVelocity z-direction
Pressure Inlet pressure
InitTemperature initial temperature
WallTemperatureGradient Gradient of temperature along wall
MediaNumber Media Number
TotalSVFInObj Weight of [Total of solids throughout domain] in objective

Global Settings

Name Derived Comment
omegaF one over F relaxation time
omegaFplus one over F+ relaxation time for TRT
omegaFminus one over F- relaxation time for TRT
InitVelocityX Initialisation x-velocity
InitVelocityY Initialisation y-velocity
InitVelocityZ Initialisation z-velocity
InletPressure inlet pressure
InletDensity 1.0+InletPressure/3 inlet density
GravitationX applied (rho)*GravitationX
GravitationY applied (rho)*GravitationY
GravitationZ applied (rho)*GravitationZ
AccelX body acceleration X
AccelY body acceleration Y
AccelZ body acceleration Z
DNx Total nodes in X direction
DNy Total nodes in Y direction
DNz Total nodes in Z direction
omegaH one over H relaxation time
alpha Thermal Diffusivity
omegaHplus one over H+ relaxation time for TRT
omegaHminus one over H- relaxation time for TRT
ViscCoeff Thermoviscous coefficient
BoussinesqCoeff Boussinesq force coefficient
FluidCv Thermal Cv
FluidRho Material desnsity
FluidConductivity Thermal Conductivity
SolidCv Thermal Cv
SolidRho Material density - solid
SolidConductivity Thermal Conductivity
Threshold Parameters threshold

Exported Quantities (VTK, etc)

Name Unit Comment
Solid 1 Solid
U m/s U
Rho kg/m3 Rho
T2 K T2
TotEnergy 1 TotEnergy
TE2 1 TE2
Cv 1 Cv

Exported Global Integrals (CSV, etc)

Name Unit Comment
TotalSVF 1 Total of solids throughout domain
Objective 1 Objective function

Node Types

Group Types
ADDITIONALS Interface, Med2
BOUNDARY NWall, EWall, WWall, SWall, FWall, BWall, NPressure, EPressure, WPressure, SPressure, FPressure, BPressure, Solid, Wall

Solved fields

Name Access pattern Comment
f[0] stencil f[0]
f[1] stencil f[1]
f[2] stencil f[2]
f[3] stencil f[3]
f[4] stencil f[4]
f[5] stencil f[5]
f[6] stencil f[6]
f[7] stencil f[7]
f[8] stencil f[8]
f[9] stencil f[9]
f[10] stencil f[10]
f[11] stencil f[11]
f[12] stencil f[12]
f[13] stencil f[13]
f[14] stencil f[14]
f[15] stencil f[15]
f[16] stencil f[16]
f[17] stencil f[17]
f[18] stencil f[18]
f[19] stencil f[19]
f[20] stencil f[20]
f[21] stencil f[21]
f[22] stencil f[22]
f[23] stencil f[23]
f[24] stencil f[24]
f[25] stencil f[25]
f[26] stencil f[26]
h[0] stencil h[0]
h[1] stencil h[1]
h[2] stencil h[2]
h[3] stencil h[3]
h[4] stencil h[4]
h[5] stencil h[5]
h[6] stencil h[6]
h[7] stencil h[7]
h[8] stencil h[8]
h[9] stencil h[9]
h[10] stencil h[10]
h[11] stencil h[11]
h[12] stencil h[12]
h[13] stencil h[13]
h[14] stencil h[14]
h[15] stencil h[15]
h[16] stencil h[16]
h[17] stencil h[17]
h[18] stencil h[18]
h[19] stencil h[19]
h[20] stencil h[20]
h[21] stencil h[21]
h[22] stencil h[22]
h[23] stencil h[23]
h[24] stencil h[24]
h[25] stencil h[25]
h[26] stencil h[26]
sol stencil sol
uPx stencil uPx
uPy stencil uPy
uPz stencil uPz
localOmegaF stencil localOmegaF
TotEnergy stencil TotEnergy
Temperature stencil Temperature
rhoCp stencil rhoCp
Conductivity stencil Conductivity
mediaNum stencil mediaNum
localCv stencil localCv
localConductivity stencil localConductivity
localRho stencil localRho
localOmegaH stencil localOmegaH

Densities - default accessors

Name Field Pulling field from Comment
f[0] f[0] stencil f[0]
f[1] f[1] stencil f[1]
f[2] f[2] stencil f[2]
f[3] f[3] stencil f[3]
f[4] f[4] stencil f[4]
f[5] f[5] stencil f[5]
f[6] f[6] stencil f[6]
f[7] f[7] stencil f[7]
f[8] f[8] stencil f[8]
f[9] f[9] stencil f[9]
f[10] f[10] stencil f[10]
f[11] f[11] stencil f[11]
f[12] f[12] stencil f[12]
f[13] f[13] stencil f[13]
f[14] f[14] stencil f[14]
f[15] f[15] stencil f[15]
f[16] f[16] stencil f[16]
f[17] f[17] stencil f[17]
f[18] f[18] stencil f[18]
f[19] f[19] stencil f[19]
f[20] f[20] stencil f[20]
f[21] f[21] stencil f[21]
f[22] f[22] stencil f[22]
f[23] f[23] stencil f[23]
f[24] f[24] stencil f[24]
f[25] f[25] stencil f[25]
f[26] f[26] stencil f[26]
h[0] h[0] stencil h[0]
h[1] h[1] stencil h[1]
h[2] h[2] stencil h[2]
h[3] h[3] stencil h[3]
h[4] h[4] stencil h[4]
h[5] h[5] stencil h[5]
h[6] h[6] stencil h[6]
h[7] h[7] stencil h[7]
h[8] h[8] stencil h[8]
h[9] h[9] stencil h[9]
h[10] h[10] stencil h[10]
h[11] h[11] stencil h[11]
h[12] h[12] stencil h[12]
h[13] h[13] stencil h[13]
h[14] h[14] stencil h[14]
h[15] h[15] stencil h[15]
h[16] h[16] stencil h[16]
h[17] h[17] stencil h[17]
h[18] h[18] stencil h[18]
h[19] h[19] stencil h[19]
h[20] h[20] stencil h[20]
h[21] h[21] stencil h[21]
h[22] h[22] stencil h[22]
h[23] h[23] stencil h[23]
h[24] h[24] stencil h[24]
h[25] h[25] stencil h[25]
h[26] h[26] stencil h[26]
sol sol stencil sol
uPx uPx stencil uPx
uPy uPy stencil uPy
uPz uPz stencil uPz
localOmegaF localOmegaF stencil localOmegaF
localCv localCv stencil localCv
localConductivity localConductivity stencil localConductivity
localRho localRho stencil localRho
localOmegaH localOmegaH stencil localOmegaH

Action stages

Name Main procedure Preloaded densities Pushed fields
BaseInit Init f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6], f[7], f[8], f[9], f[10], f[11], f[12], f[13], f[14], f[15], f[16], f[17], f[18], f[19], f[20], f[21], f[22], f[23], f[24], f[25], f[26], h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4], h[5], h[6], h[7], h[8], h[9], h[10], h[11], h[12], h[13], h[14], h[15], h[16], h[17], h[18], h[19], h[20], h[21], h[22], h[23], h[24], h[25], h[26], sol, uPx, uPy, uPz, localOmegaF, localCv, localConductivity, localRho, localOmegaH f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6], f[7], f[8], f[9], f[10], f[11], f[12], f[13], f[14], f[15], f[16], f[17], f[18], f[19], f[20], f[21], f[22], f[23], f[24], f[25], f[26], h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4], h[5], h[6], h[7], h[8], h[9], h[10], h[11], h[12], h[13], h[14], h[15], h[16], h[17], h[18], h[19], h[20], h[21], h[22], h[23], h[24], h[25], h[26], sol, uPx, uPy, uPz, localOmegaF, TotEnergy, Temperature, rhoCp, Conductivity, mediaNum, localCv, localConductivity, localRho, localOmegaH
BaseIteration Run f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6], f[7], f[8], f[9], f[10], f[11], f[12], f[13], f[14], f[15], f[16], f[17], f[18], f[19], f[20], f[21], f[22], f[23], f[24], f[25], f[26], h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4], h[5], h[6], h[7], h[8], h[9], h[10], h[11], h[12], h[13], h[14], h[15], h[16], h[17], h[18], h[19], h[20], h[21], h[22], h[23], h[24], h[25], h[26], sol, uPx, uPy, uPz, localOmegaF, localCv, localConductivity, localRho, localOmegaH f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6], f[7], f[8], f[9], f[10], f[11], f[12], f[13], f[14], f[15], f[16], f[17], f[18], f[19], f[20], f[21], f[22], f[23], f[24], f[25], f[26], h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4], h[5], h[6], h[7], h[8], h[9], h[10], h[11], h[12], h[13], h[14], h[15], h[16], h[17], h[18], h[19], h[20], h[21], h[22], h[23], h[24], h[25], h[26], sol, uPx, uPy, uPz, localOmegaF, TotEnergy, Temperature, rhoCp, Conductivity, mediaNum, localCv, localConductivity, localRho, localOmegaH
CalcF CalcF f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6], f[7], f[8], f[9], f[10], f[11], f[12], f[13], f[14], f[15], f[16], f[17], f[18], f[19], f[20], f[21], f[22], f[23], f[24], f[25], f[26], sol, uPx, uPy, uPz, localOmegaF, localCv, localConductivity, localRho, localOmegaH sol, uPx, uPy, uPz


Name Stages
Iteration BaseIteration, CalcF
Init BaseInit, CalcF